6:30-7:00 am: Wake up (later if its raining) Ginny and Alan are the alarm clocks and Leah and Evan the snooze button!
7:00-9:00: pack it up and eat breakfast. Good ole granola, dried fruit and powered milk (Leah has peanut butter and raisin bread). Due to the weather we often have a wet tent and don't get out until 10:00. Yeah we're slow!
9:00-2:00: the morning
can be great to bike in when it's warm that is. Today it was chilly and drizzling. Ginny has her hourly power bar break. (She is doing nutritional research and will report back to you on her findings soon but as a sneak peak the cliff bars are by far the best!). We had some great vistas of lake superior to gaze out this morning, along with some big hills!
12:30-2:00: lunch!
Somewhere in this range we hunker down for some lunch. Our great diverse lunch menu includes peanut butter, jam, bread (or if super lucky cheese buns) cheese, mustard, a cucumber , some grapes or cherries and something sweet for dessert! At the top of a large hill overlooking the lake we had our lunch today. The look-off area was swarming with BFs (no, not our best friends, this is instead our codename for black flies. We are convinced that saying their name out loud attracts them so we always use code.)
2:00-7:00 : the afternoon push.
This is the time of day where the elements have their way with us. When the wind is with us, we fly and rack us the KMs. That wasn't today, the drizzle and the gray did stay at bay though as we zoomed down a big hill and into Rossport.
6:30-8:00 : decide where to camp
As you can tell this process can sometimes take a while. the tough variables which we have to balance include proximity to water, flat ground, lack of bugs, and beauty. Sometimes the clouds on the horizon trump all other variables. Within minutes of arriving at Rainbow Falls provincial campground and setting up our tents the onslaught began...
7:00-10:30 : Dinner
Having a picnic table to cook at is a bonus. Having a covered roof overhead is a blessing!! Especially when it absolute pours for 4 hours during the largest thunder and lightning storm yet.
Dinner gets chopped up, cooked up and eaten up in no time while the rest of us relax and write up the daily blog. By the time Ginny has her tea, the dishes are clean and food bear-proofed, it is time to snuggle into our damp sleeping bags. But wait, it is raining so hard that even a short dash to the tent will soak us! What are we to do? We tried waiting it out but 30 mins later the tiredness was setting in and the rain refused to stop. Oh well, a little rain won't kill us.
Now we back it up and do it all over again, but we will be lucky again tomorrow, or will we be 10 minutes later and get soaked. Stay tuned!

Distance: 83.37 km
Time on bikes: 5:32:07
average speed: 15.0 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 3737 km
Start: 10:45 am
End: 6:45 pm
Wind: South-east (head-medium)
Conditions: Showers
- The Warpotay Team
Location:Rossport, Ontario
Your blog is riveting – and your progress is impressive – congratulations all around!