After a bit of a rocky start to day, complete with a flat tire (due to thin wire in my tire), we changed our course and headed inland leaving the beautiful and bustling coast behind. If I recall correctly, the last real hills we have climbed were on our way to Ottawa and nothing very large since lake superior. It was thus with very fresh climbing muscles that we some of us sprinted up the ridges that run along the gaspasie coast of the Saint-Lawrence.
The towns on the inland side of the divide are drastically different than those a mere 35 km away on the coast. Houses are smaller and more lived in while the towns are less fancy and well kept in addition to having roads badly in need of repair (especially on a bike!) There is still tourism in the area but it is much more focused on travelers who have completed their vacation in the gaspesie and are now looking for a fast, direct inland return home.

At this stage in the trip it is hard to keep our minds totally in the present with the idea that our destination grows closer day by day. In this respect New Brunswick is too close to home to be to be distracted by it and too far from home to be excited by it.
And to be perfectly honest our expectations for New Brunswick are rather low now that we have experienced the luxury of bike paths galore, local delicious bakeries with the best chocolatines around every corner, fresh local organic produce and above all else the beauty of a place which takes takes good care of it's people. Quebec has been very good to us so this is a challenge to all you new Brunswickers out there, show us your energy, your spirit, your spunk and your beauty else we lose sight of the moment and just drive on through...

(Ginny is happy as long as she get her bars...)
Distance: 98.35 km
Time on bikes: 5:14:02
Average speed: 18.7 km
Distance from Vancouver: 6480 km
Start: 9:15 am
End: 6:00 pm
Wind: West (light-tail)
Conditions: sunny great!
- The Warpotay Team
Location:Causapscal, Quebec
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