We rode through the rolling hills of the beautiful nova scotia countryside and into the tiny town of Oxford. Although Oxford is known as the blue berry capital of nova scotia, that is not what we will remember it for. (for us that title goes to the highway near miramachi) No, Oxford will be remembered for the little mom an pops bakery called "Grumpy's" where we scarfed down top notch cinnamon buns with a complimentary cup of hot chocolate and tea on an inside porch of thier cozy house.

It was indeed cozy because the temperatures outside were frigid and depressing considering it is early august! However the hardest decision of the day came when we had to decide what fine baked goods we would take with us for lunch.
This same dilemma is one we face nearly every day in the bakery section of the grocery store and even after 90 days, it is still one of the toughest parts of our journey. Today, Ginger snaps, apple strudel and trail cookies all got the nod.
The second surprise of Oxford was the finding of a former traveling friend. Sitting outside the library tapping away on her iPhone, trying to get wifi from the Oxford library. Sorry brenna, it's closed.
If you recall, we first saw brenna in Sault-saint Marie and then actually met her on the ferry to Tobermory. Since then our routes couldn't have been more different. She went south to Toronto and up through Kingston and finally through the saint johns river valley. In fact , this little library way off the beaten path was ironically the first time our paths crossed.
With that we departed the lovly town of Oxford and bid farewell to brenna as we prepared ourselves for... Folly Mountain.
Like many other words in the English language, the word "mountain" can sometimes be Subjective, depending on where you're from.
Leah is from the west coast, home of Paulson, Alison and Anarchist passes. The rest of the warpos make thier home on the mighty south mountain of Nova Scotia. Folly mountain just outside Oxford, is not quite as big as either, though if it had been sunny I sure we still would have broken a sweat...
Even still, we enjoyed the rapid descent off folly mountain and into the agricultural outskirts of Truo call , Lower Onslow. Wanting for a quiet place to rest our head and begin our reintegration into Nova Scotia, we found the perfect spot, a soft spot of grass next to a monument.
Upon it's worn stone face the monument marked the spot as a tradition stopping place of the French, British and Aboriginal peoples. It seems a very fitting place to rest our heads...
Distance: 107.03 km
Time on bike: 5:32:14
Average speed: 19.3 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 7234 km
Start: 8:30 am
End: 5:22 pm
Wind: North (medium-tail)
Conditions: cloudy
- The Warpotay Team
Location:Lower Onslow, Nova scotia
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