Friday, 5 August 2011

Day 85: Nigadoo to Tracadie-Shelia (the Acadian peninsula)

We woke up to fog but we were happy because it wasn't rain! We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with wild blueberries and a few raspberries that Leah found behind the bike store.

We were very thankful to have a nice dry spot on the ground under the tent that roger the awesome bike store owner had set up for us the day before.

Off on our bikes, we flew though Bathurst and out onto the wild rugged Acadien Penninsula.

The roadside was filled with quaint house decorated in red white and blue with a yellow star (the colors of the Acadian flag). There were lawn chairs, telephone poles, window shutters, whole houses, cars, light houses ,fences and anything else you imagine was painted in these 4 striking colors that stood out in the gray fog.

We hoped for sun so we could see more of the coastline, unfortunately what we got was a huge mass of fog. It was tough enough seeing the cars coming from the front and rear let alone our hands! Worse yet it was cold!

Emerging from the fog, we saw a beautiful beach and island...NOT! There was a $2 fee per person to use the 2 shaky picnic tables and port-a-potties and walk on the beach!

What a rip off, so we kept on moving. lucky we did!

Only 8km down the way in grande anse, leahs French fry spidie senses picked up the sent and sent us down to the quay. As if in a bible story, the sun broke through the clouds and shone down on the little canteen, nestled in the cove across from a beautiful sandy beach.

Leah has been a French fry conesiur since day 1 and though the Quebecois have pretty great fries, she was still looking for the one "mason de frite" to rule them all. The sun shining down was clearly a heavenly sign because In this small Acadian port Leah tasted the most amazing fries ever. She was literally in heaven.

Back on the road in the beautiful sunshine , we were greeted by some "mal-mannered" drivers. A slow moving truck approached us as the cars behind it began to get impatient.

The first truck passed veering out and into our lane and coming quite close to us before sharply pulling back onto his side of the road. Clearly the other trailing campers thought this was a good idea too! One by then they pull out and passed us, forcing us off into gravel because there was no shoulder and we weren't in the mood for a head on collision... What arrogance...

Still , after days of fog and rain, we were delighted with our new friend the sun, and kept our spirits up while passing through the bustling tourist town of caraquet on the awesome paved bike paths along the shore.

To make up time due to yesterday's rainstorm we pushed ahead and did an extra 25 km into Lacadie-Shelia. After a long day we settled at yet another over-priced trailer park. At least it had a good view of the lake.

We hope that this sunny trend continues and sends us safely and warmly to Moncton in a few days to meet with our friend jocelyns parents!


(+1) best fries ever!
(-1) pay to use the beach! Ripoff
(+1) for us finally having sun!
(-1) dumb camper drivers
(+1) beautiful Acadian spirit!

Distance: 123.04 km
Time on bike: 7:01:17 km
Average speed: 17.5 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 6793 km
Start: 8:25 am
End: 7:00 pm
Wind: North-east (medium-head)
Conditions: drizzle-fog and clearing into sun and clouds

- The Warpotay Team

Location:Tracadie-Shelia, New Brunswick

1 comment:

  1. Halleluia for the sun! I am happy for you. Sun is suppose to be out for the weekend hope that extends to Moncton. Can't believe you are so close. Hope those truckers back off and that you keep safe. Counting the days until you are home at Lorax. Take care
