Most importantly however, we have come to the conclusion that despite what thoughts we might have on the visual splendor of the place, new Brunswick is filled with so many generous and beautiful people that it outshines anything else that happens. So with that we end the NBSC with the conclusion that it's people are some the nicest we have met and that trumps all else... A perfect example of this is today's wonderful visit with My friend Jocelyne's Parents Gerry and Gerald. Here's how it all went down...
Although we would have loved to stay at the vineyard campground and go swimming in the ridiculously warm Northumberland stright ocean water for another day (and maybe more), we have a strict schedule to follow if we are going to make Lorax by the 15th and spend a couple days with emile along the way. Eeeks!
My friend Jocelyn has generously invited us to stay at her parents house in Moncton.
The way there had a few interesting stops but was for the most part a rather simple and short trip into the city of moncton. The dunes ecocenter was gorgeous to behold but our walk along the boardwalk was interrupted by a large Strom bearing in on us.

So we flew along the coast, staying ahead of the darkness. I have never seen so many blue herons at one time silently stalking their underwater prey. it was a beautiful and from a fishes perspective dangerous sight to behold.

Leah's daily French fry obsession brought us to a chip wagon called chez leos and although the chips weren't stellar, one of the owners sons was very excited about our trip and came over to chat.
Overall, the way was flat, the road a bit bumpy but with one exception we manged to stay dry before pulling up to Gerry and Geralds amazing house in downtown Moncton.
Gerald is a biologist working for the department of fisheries while Gerry is a sculpture artist and teacher. Both are the most interesting, hospitable storytelling hosts one could ask for.

Our bikes found a home in Gerry's studio alongside her work in progress art piece about the dissapearence of the elephants in Africa. Dozens of small clay elephants mounted on tiles kept the bikes safe while we relaxed and chatted inside their beautiful old home.
We talked about bike stories , tales of Jocelyn's childhood and above all about bees! Gerry and Gerald have a hive of honey bees taken care of by a bee keeper friend in the heart of downtown Moncton. Before even seeing the hive and it's busy inhabitants, you can tell they are there by the transformation they have made to their garden. Flowers abound every where, while the yellow and black wonder bugs have pollinated their pear tree so that it sags heavy with fruit. Gerry and Gerald take great pride in their garden and the bees magnify it 100 fold. We chatted about bees for a long time but for the sake of space I will say simply that the sophistication and structure of bee society is amazing. Just think, if everyone had bees what a lush place even the city could be. While listening to their tales, I couldn't help but think the inner lives of bees would make for a fascinating film... Hmmm
After a delicious dinner of home made spaghetti, fresh salad and home grown hand picked gooseberrycrisp, we were very content to crawl into warm dry beds as it absolutely poured rain outside especially since the forcast called for 40-60mm over the next day. Thank you Gerry and Gerald and Jocelyn for your hospitality. We hope you come to visit us in Wolfville so we came return the favor!

Distance: 70.66 km
Time on bikes: 4:04:38
Average speed: 17.3 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 7056 km
Start: 9:15 am
End: 4:00 pm
Wind: South-west (head-medium)
Conditions: sunny, humid with showers
- The Warpotay Team
Location:Moncton, New Brunswick
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