..."It's showers this morning, showers this afternoon, rain tonight, showers tomorrow. Wind is predicted 20 km from the east, gusting to 40 km (head wind) today, tonight, tomorrow... but current conditions say it is 30 km gusting to 40. Yuck... What should we do?...
Sleepy, depressing conversation between five people in 3 tents... Summary- " this sucks... We took a rest day yesterday for the rain, we cannot take two more and this is a pricey campground... Welcome to the Maritimes... Get used to it... Get up... We gotta see how far we get...
Gray sleepy breakfast in the howling wind... Still we need to go, it just seems windy cause we are right on the shore... Maybe...

... Off we go... Good news... Windy but doable, not as bad as it could be but slow going...

Starts to drizzle... Jacket on, rain stops, jacket off... Drizzle stop, drizzle stop, jacket on, jacket off, jacket on... RAIN... Stop... "Just a long shower"... RAIN, RAIN, RAIN with wind blowing it at you... cold, wet, yuck, yuck, yuck (minus two for NB).
...Need warm, dry place, need a restaurant or cafe... Town coming soon according to map.. Town does not come but rain does, town does not exist, just a power generating station and a zinc smelter... Yuck, smell (another minus one for NB).
... More rain, wet, soak, wet... Where is the town for the houses on the road?... Rain, rain, rain... Finally a church, buildings, a corner store, a town? Is there a cafe... Phew, it's the last building in town...

Walk in drenched and dripping... Friendly laughter and sympathy from the restaurant owner... Happily she let's us take over and soak the restaurant with all of our stuff... Excellent warm lunch served with a friendly spirit (plus one for NB)...
... Wish we could stay inside but need to get to bike shop before it is too late to fix two bikes today... Still feel cool and damp but rain has stopped, not the wind... Out we go...
Wind shifts, get to bike shop before it starts to rain again... Roger, shop owner, greets us with a smile... yes, will fix bikes asap, says Ginny is crazy to go across country on her low budget bike... Bikes get fixed quicker than promised with lots of good advice (plus one more for NB)...

... Still grey and wet... Late afternoon... Roger: "you can camp next to the store on the grass if you want"... Drizzle... Yes, yes, yes we say... Up go the tents... Roger comes out and sets up a huge gazebo tent for shelter for cooking and eating... Wow! (plus two for NB)...

Happy warm supper beneath the gazebo tent... Rain... Into dry, warm tents...zzzzzzzzz
Summary: Weather sucks but people are amazing. Thank you.
Distance: 74.33 km
Time on bikes: 4:32:46
Average speed: 16.3 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 6670 km
Start: 8:25 pm
End: 4:00 pm
Wind: North-east (strong head)
Conditions: foggy, windy, DOWNPOUR!
- The Warpotay Team
Location:Nigaboo, New Brunswick
Unfortunately, weather in the maritimes sucks this summer, but we are very hopeful for a few good days. Good luck on the next few legs and we look forward to seeing you soon.