As we take this long journey our thoughts often wander. As we travel along the road there are many things to hear, see, find and think.
Some of us sing songs in our heads, and others share their timely tunes. some of you may remember the catchy tune "I believe", from the 2010 olympics, though your probably haven't gotten as tired of Evan's whistle version as I have.
Other whistles come from the variety of bird calls; each very distinct and beautiful. One in particular sings it's beautiful long dee dee dee song and totally has us stumped. One that I do recognize from the walks with my parents is the winter wren.

Sometimes our eyes wander into the ditches lining the highway with wildflowers. Fields of yellow and orange hawkweed mixed with white daises and purple vetch are omnipresent.

And of course our minds often travel home and wonder what our friends and family are up to? How big are the tomatoes? How big are the pigs? What is the weather like there? Back to reality, what's around the next bend? Will we turn into the wind or against it? What would it be like to have a tailwind? Where art though monsieur tailwind?
Today as most days we were working our way against a 20km/h headwind, though unlike the praries, the hills of lake superior at times gave us shelter.
At our not slow but steady pace, we are also intrigued by the signs that approach us. This particular day it's wasn't the variety that caught our attention but more so the lack of it. After accomplishing an amazing feat of 125km we had counted 23 moose signs! All titled "night danger!". Even though we arrived at camp in the late evening around 8:30 pm, we evaded the night terror and did not see a single moose!

We look forward to our well deserved day of rest in the beautiful Agawa bay!

Distance: 127.89 km
Time on bike: 7:26:02
Average Speed: 17.2 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 4141 km
Start: 9:00 am
End: 8:30 pm
Wind: South ( morning=none, afternoon= strong head)
Conditions: Cloudy with sunny breaks

- The Warpotay Team
Location:Agawa, Ontario
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