Friday, 29 July 2011

Day 75: Trois Riverere to Neuville (Images of the day)

Bike path oh bike path,
Whose smooth black surface I dream of,
Where art though?

Sweet green summer smells,
Soft warm fields along the river,
Make me feel drowsy.

Neatly trimmed French colonials,
Fronted by organized bouquets of color,
Speak of Quebecois pride.

Distance: 103.89 km
Time on bike: 5:53:18
Average speed: 17.6 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 5973 km
Start: 8:10 am
End: 6:30 pm
Wins: east (light-head)
Conditions: sunny with clouds (26)

- The Warpotay Team

Location:Neuville, Quebec

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, I hesitate to ask - what is poutine Glacee? It cannot be fries and ice cream I hope. The crowning glory of Quebecois cuisine? Impressive progress once again - all hail the indefatigable Warpotays! Conquering the hearts and minds of even the most devoted RV'ers.
