We were off to a leisurely start today leaving camp at 9:30 and only 35km to bike to the ferry. The first part of the trip we rode on the wonderfully new paved roads that we had been on since the start of the island. New pavement and great big shoulders. But half way through we ran into construction and hit the old road. Cracks in the road made it hard to go fast as we went along..bumpty bump bump bump all the way to the ferry. Arriving at the ferry Shane's bike was all in one piece, thanks to Alan and Shane's work the day before. While we were waiting a few cyclists stopped to say hi. A group of 80 of them had done the trip across Canada in 2006 and they were interested in swaping stories of the trip. Shane mentioned that his spoke had broke yesterday and they had done their best to true it. Lucky for him one of them ended up being a old bike mecanic and trued Shane's wheel perfectly!

The ferry ride was beautiful and we enjoyed sharing stories with our new found cycling friend Brenna. She is heading to Halifax and then off to Africa to tour it for 9 months! We settled in for the evening and prepared our stomachs for the feast.

We had heard from another cyclist that Tobermory has the best "all you can eat" fish and chips. 3-4 pieces later along with French fries and local beer called anti- gravity we were full to the brim. (some were even a little too full!) I think that will be the end of fish and chips for the next little while. Feeling a few pounds heavier we slowly made our trek back home, ready for a day off, to enable us to finish digesting the food.

Distance: 44.40 km
Time on bikes: 2:35:25
Average speed: 17.1 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 4675 km
Start: 9:30 am
End:12:15 pm
Wind: south-west (medium-head)
Conditions: sunny
- The Warpotay Team
Location:Tobermory, Ontario
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