Champs, fleuve, montagnes, fleures,
Wild rose, cattail, purple vetch,
Le Quebec me parle.

Presque Chez Nous
Brouillard ce matin,
L'arome de trefle coupe
On est presque chez nous.
Today we followed an amazingly beautiful and flat route along the south side of the Saint Lawrence from Quebec City.

It felt like home. The thick fog from the river burned off by 9 or so and we pedaled easily with a delicious light tailwind along gorgeous quiet country roads with stunning views of the river. A highlight was the amazing dedicated bike path near Pocatiere (15 km)which ran right along the shore.

Wild flowed were everywhere, and perennial gardens with gorgeous displays of flowers graced the beautiful historic stone houses along the road. And the tidy vegetable gardens! And fields of freshly cut clover. Gorgeous. This is where I will return some day for a bike trip. Along this shore, then across to the north shore by ferry, then back to Quebec City. Oh lala!
Another highlight was the stop at the delectable patisserie shop for pain au chocolate and chausson aux pommes. Mmmmm. We are feeling mighty fine.

The last highlight is the opportunity to speak French toute la journee chaque journey. On s'est bien amuse. A mon avis, c'est dommage que Montcalme a perdue la bataille sue Les Plaines d'Abraham..... Sinon, peutetre que je parlerais Francais chaque jour a la Nouvelle

Grosses bises a vous. On n'a que 2 semaines qui reste.
Distance: 104.29 km
Time on bikes: 5:32:02
Average speed: 18.8 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 6158 km
Start: 8:00 am
End: 5:30 pm
Wind: south-west (tail-medium)
Conditions: sunny (25)
- The Warpotay Team
Location:Rivière oueolle, Quebec
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