And yes it was sticky...... This silly poem is one way of expressing the heat.
By lunchtime it was hot,
30 plus degrees,
Not a cloud in the sky,
Not a hint of a breeze.
The sky was blue, blue blue,
And our spirits , they were high,
The sun was a blazing inferno,
Sizzling up high in the sky.
And then "click, click, click",
What was that strange sound?
We heard it every time ,
The tires went round and round.
"Oh no" Evan cried
Is is a broken spoke?
Or a cracked axle, or...
Let's hope it is just a joke.
But wait, he said,
I hear it from the cars.
Oh, the asphalt road is melting
......My tires are sticking to the tar!

Despite the heat we made it to a nice renovating campground.

One more silly poem.....
Help, Help!
While eating our breakfast,
"Help, Help" someone cried.
I'd seen an old well in the woods,
Maybe someone 's fallen inside.
Perhaps the really nice man,
Who let us camp on his land there.
"I've got lots of land" he said,
And I'm willing to share."
He had a beautiful nursery,
"Camp anywhere you please,
There is water in the greenhouse,
And an outhouse by the trees."
"In the greenhouse there's a phone
You can use it for free.
I have a North American plan,
So it is no cost to me."
He said he'd hurt his back this year
Maybe he'd taken a spill
Maybe he hurt himself ,
Climbing that big hill.
"Help help" we heard again.
The cry was stronger this time,
Was that a good sign,
That things might work out fine?
We raced towards the sound,
Over by the trees.
We braced for the worst,
Then laughing, fell to our knees....
Alan had locked himself in the outhouse,
While taking a pee!

Distance: 101.37 km
Time on bike: 5:18:38
Average speed: 19.0 km/h
Distance from Vancouver: 5191 km
Start: 8:10 am
End: 5:00 pm
Wind: south-west ( light-tail)
Conditions: hot!
- The Warpotay Team
Location:Denbigh, Ontario
Poor Alan. But I am sure calling for help was better than the alternative. Is hot and still better than wet and headwind? Watch out for your hydration!